EU Business School - Présentation et Formations | PrePeers
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École de Gestion et de Commerce

21 formations
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Photo de profil de EU Business School
EU Business School
École de Gestion et de Commerce
Il y a 2 ans

Remembering our Orientation Days 🙂

Meet the new faces of our EU Community 🤩

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Photo de profil de EU Business School
EU Business School
École de Gestion et de Commerce
Il y a 2 ans

We are proud to inform that EU Business School's MBA program ranks in the top 150 MBA programs globally and in the top 50 MBA programs in Europe in the prestigious QS MBA rankings for 2023!

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A propos de EU Business School

Since 1973, EU Business School (EU) has been educating future entrepreneurs and business leaders. We are a high-ranking, international business school that offers foundation, bachelor’s, master’s and MBA programs, taught exclusively in English, in Barcelona, Geneva and Munich as well as on our Digital Campus.

Our small class sizes guarantee personalized learning from a highly qualified faculty of academics and business professionals. Our pragmatic and experiential learning approach, which includes case studies, business simulations, company visits and conferences with world-renowned leaders, ensures our students excel in the business world.

Our community of 100+ nationalities gives students a multicultural perspective, and our 28,000+ alumni provide networking opportunities around the globe. Intercampus and global exchange programs further enhance our students’ international experience.

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Présentation en chiffres


Année de création




nationalités parmi nos étudiants


meilleure école de commerce pour les étudiantes

Horaires d'ouverture
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Notre établissement est à votre écoute pour vous aider à choisir votre formation.

Découvrez nos 21 formations !
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Le mot du directeur
Photo de profil
Carl Craen

Welcome to EU Business School.

The foundation of any successful career is a solid knowledge base. We live in a fast-paced era in which data is instantly available.

Education is no longer about acquiring information, but rather developing key skills and learning how to evolve with the world around us. After your time with us, you will walk away with more than a degree.

You will have learned about yourself and how to communicate with people from a diverse range of backgrounds. You will have continued to grow and develop, both professionally and personally, enabling you to seize the new opportunities available to you.

Don’t forget the value of your youth, time and unwritten future. These are the luxuries established professionals do not have. This is your moment, and your resilient attitude will set the tone for your career. We will help you be entrepreneurial, think for yourself, learn from your mistakes and, most of all, take advantage of the opportunities that will arise throughout your career. These attributes are ingrained into the EU Business School DNA.

The rest is up to you. You will face many challenges as you push boundaries within yourself and in the world around you. You will not be alone – we will accompany you along your path to success. You will have a network of over 27,000+ alumni and business professionals to encourage you, inspire you and guide you, as you establish yourself in the world of business. So if you are looking for the best chance at a future of endless possibilities... start here.

We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Nos chiffres post formation
(moyenne de toutes les formations)

Taux net d'emploi

Top 5 des secteurs d'activités exercés

  1. Marketing19 %
  2. Services17 %
  4. Finance12 %
  5. Banking12 %

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